Clinical Information

Study results found that placement of a WallFlex Fully Covered Oesophageal Stent resulted in safe and effective palliation of malignant dysphagia

Dr. Allesandro Repici et al. authored the largest study on the WallFlex Fully Covered Esophageal Stent, which was published in the December 2014 issue of Digestive and Liver Disease Journal. The goal of the study was to assess the clinical (recurrent dysphagia) and technical success using the WallFlex Fully Covered Oesophageal Stent in patients with dysphagia due to primary inoperable oesophageal cancer.

The study found that placement of a WallFlex Fully Covered Esophageal Stent resulted in safe and effective palliation of malignant dysphagia. The median dysphagia scores improved from “3” (ability to swallow liquids only) to “1” (ability to eat some solid food) at both fourteen days and four weeks after stent placement. In addition, twenty-four of the eighty-two patients (29.2%) went on to receive chemo and/or radiotherapy after stent placement.

The article, Management of Inoperable Malignant Oesophageal Strictures with Fully Covered WallFlex Stent: A multicentre Prospective Study is available at
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